자연어처리 각 분야들 (NLP tasks)
Academic Disciplines related to NLP 1. natural language processing (major conference : ACL, EMNLP, NAACL) 1) low level parsing -Tokenization e.g. 나는 학교를 간다 -> 나, 는, 학교, 를, 가, ㄴ, 다 -stemming (어근 추출) e.g. study -> studying, studied / 맑다 -> 맑은데, 맑지만, 맑고 2) word and phrase level -Named entity recognition (NER) e.g. 뉴욕타임즈 -part-of-speech(POS) tagging e.g. 주어/본동사/목적어/부사구/형용사구 등 구분 -noun-phrase chunkin..
2021. 11. 7.